

07/19 2024 Seminar
  • Title题目 Effective actions for low-temperature holographic matter
  • Speaker报告人 Blaise Goutéraux (巴黎综合理工学院)
  • Date日期 2024年07月19日 15:00
  • Venue地点 南楼6620【Join Zoom Meeting】https://zoom.us/j/88292631542?pwd=aQC5veIaQHqQbj4UtCUwAcRncqbTdb.1 Meeting ID: 882 9263 1542 Passcode: 770489
  • Abstract摘要

    I will describe how effective actions featuring emergent degrees of freedom can be constructed by integrating over the UV part of the bulk geometry. This procedure allows to explain the presence of holographic gapless modes at zero temperature, reminiscent of zero sound in Fermi liquid and superfluid quantum sound. I will also describe ongoing work extending this construction for spacetimes with an infrared AdS_2xR^d geometry.


    PhD Univ Paris-Sud (now Paris-Saclay) 2007-10 on exact black hole solutions to Einstein eqns in the presence of matter and in higher dimensions; postdocs 2010-12 Univ Paris Diderot, 2012-14 Nordita, 2014-16 Stanford; Assistant Prof at Nordita 2016-18, then Ecole Polytechnique 2018-22; Professor since 2022. Research interests ranging from holography to hydrodynamics and strongly-correlated condensed matter systems.


    李理 研究员
