

05/06 2024 Seminar
  • Title题目 Holographic Defect Dynamics from Analytic Bootstrap
  • Speaker报告人 周稀楠 (中国科学院大学)
  • Date日期 2024年5月6日 9:30
  • Venue地点 南楼6620 腾讯会议号:750-784-7082 (密码:1978)
  • Abstract摘要

    In this talk I will introduce analytic conformal bootstrap techniques for holographic defect correlators. I will focus on the example of 1/2-BPS surface defects in  6d (2,0) theories, and explain how to compute two-point functions at tree and one-loop levels.


    Xinan Zhou did his undergraduate study at University of Science of Technology of China and obtained PhD from Stony Brook University. He was a PCTS Postdoctoral Fellow and Sam B. Treiman Postdoctoral Fellow at Princeton Center for Theoretical Science in Princeton University from 2018 to 2021, before joining KITS in University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2021. His research interest includes conformal bootstrap, holographic correlators and scattering amplitudes. He is the author of more than 30 papers with 1700+ citations and is the recipient of the 2023 ICTP Prize.


    何颂 研究员
