The Kavli Prize in AstrophysicsThe Kavli Prize in NanoscienceThe Kavli Prize in Neuroscience

News & Events

President Bush honors the U.S. recipients of the 2008 Kavli Prize

WASHINGTON—President George W. Bush and his Science Advisor, Dr. John Marburger honored the first U.S. recipients of the Kavli Prize (an award that recognizes scientists for their advances in astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience) in an Oval Office reception at the White House this afternoon.

(13.11.2008) Read more

The Kavli Prizes awarded for the first time

The Kavli Prizes were awarded for the first time in Oslo today, 9 September. His Royal Highness Crown Prince Haakon Magnus led the presentation of the international research prizes to seven of the world’s most prominent scientists in astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience. The prize award in each of the scientific areas carries a cash award of 1 million American dollars, donated by Fred Kavli. Each of of laureates also received a gold medal and a scroll.

(09.09.2008) Read more

Kavliprize-winner Sten Grillner star speaker at British science festival

Kavli Prize winner Sten Grillner is listed as as one of the star speakers at the prestigious BA Festival of Science. He will talk about "The Logics of Networks in Motion - from Genes to Behaviour" on the opening day 6 September at the University of Liverpool.

(26.08.2008) Read more

Scientific program in Oslo, Trondheim and Stavanger

In connection with the Kavli Prize award ceremony in Oslo on the 9th of September, there will also be a series of public lectures and symposia in the fields of astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience in Oslo during the week. The seven laureates will give their official lectures at the universities in Oslo, Trondheim and Stavanger.

(26.08.2008) Read more

Seven pioneering scientists receive the Kavli Prize

The Kavli Prize winners 2008The Kavli Prize winners 2008

Seven pioneering scientists who have transformed human knowledge in the fields of nanoscience, neuroscience and astrophysics have become the first recipients of the million-dollar Kavli prizes. The President of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Ole Didrik Lærum, announced the names of the prize-winners at the Academy in Oslo today, 28 May.

(28.05.2008) Read more

News Archive

Call for nominations

The Kavli Prize 2008 press release

Download the press release in English or Norwegian as a PDF-document.

Recent photos

There are recent photos from the award ceremony and press conference as well as group photos of the prize winners for download.

The Kavli Prize Award Ceremony 2008 - program

Download the Award Ceremony Program as a PDF-document.

Sentrale hendelser

Video from the Kavli Prize Ceremony 2008

The Kavli Prize Ceremony was broadcast LIVE on the WEB on 9 September beginning at 14:00 in Oslo (GMT + 1) or 8:00 a.m. in New York.
A short video news story about the Kavli Prize Ceremony was made available for download a few hours after the event concluded. This news segment was also formatted for traditional television. Raw video footage can be provided upon request. This high-quality Webcast may be viewed at our video page and is offered in cooperation with Smartcom.
Please contact Siri M. Bjørnsen at or +47 97 08 95 60 (mobile phone) for more information.

The Kavli Prize

Address: Drammensveien 78
  0271 Oslo, Norway
Telephone: +47 22 12 10 90
Telefax: +47 22 12 10 99
Editor:Anne Marie Astad
The Kavli Prize in Astrophysics The Kavli Prize in Nanoscience The Kavli Prize in Neuroscience