Research Progress

Eccentricity of Long Inspiraling Compact Binaries Sheds Light on Dark Sirens

Source Dec 05,2022

In 2016, LIGO, the Laser Interferometric Gravitational Wave Observatory, announced that human beings had detected gravitational waves for the first time, marking a new era of vigorous development of gravitational wave multi messenger astronomy. So far, the number of gravitational wave events detected by LIGO and its cooperative organizations has accumulated to about 90. These gravitational waves generated by the precession and merging of compact binary star systems (double neutron stars, double black holes, and neutron stars black holes) can be widely used in the study of cosmology, astrophysics, and fundamental physics theory as a new cosmic probe (different from traditional electromagnetic signals). In recent years, gravitational wave detection, data analysis, related physical research and its application have made many important progress under the joint efforts of global scholars. Recently, researchers from China and South Korea have jointly discovered that the eccentricity of long inspiraling compact binaries may have special significance for gravitational waves as an accurate probe of cosmology. 

This result was recently published in Physical Review Letters( ). This work was jointly completed by Dr.Yang Tao (graduated from Institute of Theoretical Physics), postdoc. of Seoul University, Korea, Professor Rong-Gen Cai of Institute of Theoretical Physics, Professor Zhou-Jian Cao of Beijing Normal University, and Professor Hyung Mok Lee of Seoul University, Korea. This work has been supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the National Key Research and Development Program.



Institute of Theoretical Physics

