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Inquiring through black holes

07/23 2024 Colloquium
  • Title Inquiring through black holes
  • Speaker Luis Lehner (Perimeter Institute)
  • Date 10:00 Jul. 23, 2024
  • Venue 6620
  • Abstract
    Black holes have become unique tools in the understanding of a plethora of phenomena in vastly different fronts. From understanding spectacularly energetic events in our universe, gaining insights on potential new particles to unraveling seemingly unrelated phenomena through a firm grasp of their dynamics is key. In this talk, we will connect with several of these fronts, and discuss opportunities from-and-to black holes.

    Luis Lehner got his PhD at the University of Pittsburgh and held postdoctoral positions at the University of Texas at Austin and the University of British Columbia in Canada. He was a faculty at Louisiana State University from 2002 until 2009. He then moved back to Canada, and is a Senior Researcher at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. There he holds the Carlo Fidani Rainer Weiss Chair in Theoretical Physics. He is also Co-Director of CIFAR's Gravity and the Extreme universe program. He is a fellow of the International Society of General Relativity, the American Physical Society and the Institute of Physics (UK).

    Li Li