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Geometry and Physics Confronting Black Holes and Particle Physics

07/22 2024 Seminar
  • Title Geometry and Physics Confronting Black Holes and Particle Physics
  • Speaker Mirjam Cvetic (University of Pennsylvania)
  • Date 14:00 Jul. 22, 2024
  • Venue 6620
  • Abstract
    In the past decades, String Theory has emerged as the prime candidate for quantum unification of electromagnetic, nuclear, and weak forces with gravitational ones. It has shed light on important fundamental questions of theoretical physics, such as the microscopic structure of black holes and the geometric origin of particle physics. We review these developments, such as the introduction of extended objects - Dirichlet branes - and highlight the important geometric and dual role these objects play in the microscopic structure of black holes as well as the Standard Model of particle physics. We focus on extremal black holes and also highlight some progress in studies of the internal structure of non-extremal black holes via the introduction of the so-called subtracted geometry and its connections to two-dimensional models of quantum gravity.

    Mirjam Cveti? received her Ph.D. in physics from the University of Maryland in 1984.  She was a postdoctoral researcher at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and joined the University of Pennsylvania faculty in 1987. She is  regarded as an outstanding expert in fundamental issues relating to string theory and its consequences for fundamental particle physics. Her efforts encompass broad thrusts in fundamental theory, ranging from fundamental aspects of gravitational physics and work at the interface with differential and algebraic geometry, to leading efforts in constructions of String Theory solutions and the study of their physics implications.  She was elected into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2023.  She is a recipient of the Friedrich von Siemens Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in 2020. She has served as an Editor of Physics Letters B (2000-2020) and has been appointed the Lead Editor of Physical Review D in 2020.

    Li Li